Closing words on PTCOG62 from our CEO : Christina Vallgren
Our second #PTCOG62 – one of the largest particle therapy congresses in the world, in Singapore last week ended with a huge accomplishment! An extremely busy but very successful exhibition. Thank you to everyone who showed your huge interest in our #Qualyscan, the world’s first end-to-end quality assurance device for particle therapy and our vision to make sure that every patient receives right dose, every time.
First of all, I would like to thank my fantastic team who has worked every day to make our vision to a reality. I would also like to thank our R&D partner, Alexandru Dasu and his team from Skandionkliniken – The Skandion Clinic, Sweden for a successful collaboration developing our first #Qualyscan together for the last year. Without the commitment and dedication of all involved, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Raymond Miralbell, Marcus Palm, Ben Brunt, Michael Betz, Maarten Schokker, Rosalinde Hendrika Pots, Philippe Guerville, Hervé Duffour, Robin Chappuis, Sébastien Delgado, Dominik Vošček, Luca Terradura, Olivia Benn and Carla Pou i Miralbell.

Some impressions from our event, #PTCOG62:

Cancer Cancer, the Chief Medical Physicist, Jin Sung Kim and our collaborator clinical professor Dongwook Kim. Key tuned in for more news to come with the next #Qualyscan arriving in Seoul in a few months’ time.

Here is one of my idol physicists in PET development, Prof. Taiga Yamaya and Chie Toramatsu from Japan. Looking forward to seeing each other in Poland next month for further discussions.

Look forward to more interesting discussion with Lomax Antony from PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland and Alexander Valdman MD, PhD Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden.

Singapore at Night with Sandra Muhr from Knowledge Transform CERN. Thank you to CERN for being an important part of our journey: https://report2023-kt.web.cern.ch/applications/taking-cancer-treatment-to-the-next-level
I wish you all a great week and now back to Geneva for a new busy week!